Wednesday 21 November 2012

Testing, testing.......from my early days as a corper!

Ode to Ugba!

Quiet, tranquil, idyllic and riotously bland life oozes quietly past in the stead that has become my enclave. Welcome Benue, Welcome Ugba!

The banquet hall posed nothing short of expectations, laboured air conditioners stood guard, famed sentinels of the tropics, their capacities outstretched. The marble outlay, impressive as it was, bespoke the work of an insentient stylist. Our receptacles; couches well padded alleviated the ache in my bum soothing the memories of my trans-Atlantic journeying.

His mien exuded the arrogant confidence associated with politicians this divide of existence. His beard; woolish, well-groomed, I couldn’t but envy the glow his skin gave off.  All over, he gave of reason to be regarded as a very important personality. His speech was little disappointing, he held off much better than a famed first lady. He turned out the deputy Governor of my service state.

The introductions were as boring as they were ineluctable. All ears were on alert for the highlight of the day and we were not disappointed. His announcement brought down thunderous applause as we eagerly collected the first instalment of our packages to come.  At that point I greedily forgave the non-people oriented stance his government is known for.

Medicorps members Benue 2011
Our posting letters were to follow, with the oooohs, aaaaahs and arrrrghs consequent with postings. To Ugba in Logo I was directed, a hamlet touted as one of the best around. I proceeded with glee, only to meet with the first disappointment in a continuing series so far. My Medical officer in-charge was too myopic to see with the voice of reason and energetic vibes I was feeding him. He refused granting a letter of introduction needed to open passageways for me. God pass am ‘sha’, and I trudged on the mark my price. My better half would do a good job soothing me.

A week later I resumed fully. Never have I been this retarded in my short existence on earth. The boredom here is tangible, enough to be palpable. The pace of life is unbelievably slow. Adam, alone in the Garden of Eden wouldn’t be envious. Time moves slower than the snail. The people are docile enough for sheep to be envious. Content with sustenance and covering, their aspirations are at peace with nature.

My fifth day here and solitary confinement in absolute darkness will compare. I have only God, BB, and the hope of getting out ASAP keeping me going.


  1. To think i actually miss my service year when i reminisce. Life is truly in phases, enjoy it while it lasts.
    This is a piece i wrote much earlier in my service year.

  2. U will do better as a poet than a blog piece by d way

  3. Haboobs, thanks jo. Alongside my free time consumers is poetry too. lol


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